Sega Saturn SAROO Configuration Guide
Sega Saturn SAROO is a device that slots into the Cartridge Port of the Sega Saturn that allows you to boot games from an SD card similar to an Everdrive or ODE (Optical Drive Emulator) found on other consoles. It is simple to set up and get running however there does seem to be some confusion on how to do this. Hopefully this guide will remove some of the confusion.
Compaq Contura 2820A Keyboard Repair
I bought this Compaq Contura 2820A laptop that was in working order except that a few keys supposedly did not work for around $40. The laptop has a 25mhz 368SX CPU, 4mb of RAM with 121mb hard drive. It is running MS-DOS 6 and Windows 3.1.
Tempest Programmable TV Game Composite Mod
A simple circuit to get composite video alongside audio out of a Tempest Programmable TV Game console using a BC557 transistor. The circuit is based off of the schematic from John’s Retro Workshop schematic.
Tempest Programmable TV Game
A few years back (2018?) I picked up a non-working Tempest Programmable TV Game cheap off of TradeMe to see if it was repairable. When it arrived it had looked like it had been left outside for a bit or in a shed somewhere. The inside of it was filthy and there was some corrosion on the circuit board. I cleaned it out but since I did not have any cartridges for it there wasn’t much I could do. At this point I just put it away in storage and forgot about it.
SEGA SC-3000 Flash Cartridge
I picked up a SEGA SC-3000 from TradeMe that came with the game Flipper. It claimed to be working some of the time. Upon receiving it I opened it up to inspect what was wrong with it and found that it had been opened before in an attempt to fix the cartridge connector and traces. It was with some excessively long wires.